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Maroš Šefčovič debates at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Plenary session!!!
549th European Economic and Social Committee debates COP25 to EU Green Deal - EESC Plenary Session
EESC IN A FLASH with Séamus Boland
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) - How the EESC has made a difference
EESC debate on energy with Commissioner Oettinger - 04 June 2014
Šefčovič: We need to turn the economic tide in Europe
July 2018 - EESC Plenary Session - Group III President Arno Metzler with Mr Gernot Blümel
EU will put long-term economic interests ahead of short-term adaptation costs of Brexit - Barnier
Debate on the EU future priorities for recovery and the implementation of the 2022 EC work programme
Parliament Discusses Anti-LGBTI Laws in Uganda: Opening Statements by EU Officials
What is the European Parliament's Position on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence about?
Gabriele Bischoff EUdebates European response to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine